KTS Plastics Technology Ltd.
Production and distribution
Osterkamp 18
D-59368 Werne-Wahrbrink
T +49 (0) 23 89 / 5 18 06
F +49 (0) 23 89 / 86 31
E-mail: info@kts-duebel.de
Managing Director: Mr. Marian Lipp
Local court Dortmund
Commercial register no.: HRB 17537
UST-IdNr.: DE 125860906

Your personal advice on all KTS products
Mon. – Thu. 8.00 – 16.30
Fr. 8.00 – 15.00
Head office: +49 (0) 23 89 / 5 18 06
KTS Kunststofftechnik GmbH Production and Sales
Osterkamp 18
59368 Werne
59368 Werne